Tag Archives: social media hashtag

New trend in Twitter: #SmartAssQuestions

A new funny trend appeared in Twitter, the hashtag #SmartAssQuestions:

#SmartAssQuestions: If bars aren’t allowed to serve drunk people, then why is McDonald’s still allowed to serve fat people?

#smartassquestions If corn oil is made from corn, and vegetable oil is made from vegetables, what is baby oil made from?

#SmartAssQuestions What’s the opposite of opposite?

#SmartAssQuestions what do butterflies feel in their stomach when they’re in love?

#SmartAssQuestions why can’t our mind tell the difference between hungry & bored?

can you cry under water? #SmartAssQuestions

#SmartAssQuestions Why is pizza round but come in a square box.


Twitter Hasgtags: #ReplaceSongTitlesWithTaco

Some tweets for the funny hashtag in Twitter #ReplaceSongTitlesWithTaco

Rolling In The Taco #ReplaceSongTitlesWithTaco

Wake me up before you taco. #ReplaceSongTitlesWithTaco

What Yolo means

A Twitter hashtag that turns into a trend is Yolo. Are you wondering what does it means?

Yolo means: You Only Live Once


Twitter Hashtag: #WhyDoWeAlways

Some tweets of the tw hashtag #WhyDoWeAlways

#WhyDoWeAlways Push a door that says pull

I walk into a room. I forget why I went there. I walk out. I remember. #WhyDoWeAlways

#WhyDoWeAlways do before think?

#WhyDoWeAlways Open the fridge then walk away…

#WhyDoWeAlways yawn when other people yawn?

Twitter hashtag: Famous Lies

“I’m okay…” #FamousLies

I have read the terms and conditions #FamousLies

#FamousLies “im almost there”


Yeah I did that: best tweets

Some of the best tweets of the hashtag #yeahididthat

I unfollowed someone because they’re ugly #Yeahididthat

Opening the fridge every 5 minutes hoping food would magically appear… #yeahididthat

Been around the world and back #yeahididthat

Your mom wants you to be like E.T.: #momquotes

“I don’t care where you at, You be like E.T and phone home.”- #MomQuotes

“You should look that up on the youtube..” #momquotes

But how would orphans know that they’re gay? #momquotes

#momquotes i know whats best for you

“He smells like a tobacco factory!!”  #MomQuotes

“Im gonna go do my texting” #momquotes

My Life Is Average

One of the most popular twitter hashtags is #mylifeisaverage or #mlia